Auction Catalog

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Silent Auction bidding will begin online on April 12th.
Live Auction bidding will be at the event on April 18th.

Email if you can not attend the event but would like a Proxy bidder.

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Displaying items 1 - 12 of 54 in total

$1000 expert mechanic services f...

The Garage Mechanic

$20 gift card to Carl's Jr

Paula Karcher

$20 gift card to Dave's Hot Chicken

Paula Karcher

$20 gift card to Jamba Juice

Paula Karcher

$50 gift card

The Swing Bays

(3) 6-packs of Upslope

Upslope Brewery

15lb selection of Colorado ranch...

Eagle Rock Ranch

2 Pint Glasses, $35 gift card, F...

Living the Dream Brewery

4 Colorado Rockies Tickets

Colorado Rockies

60 Minute Massage with Jenn Bayer

Jen Bayer

60 Minute Massage with Jenn Bayer

Jen Bayer

60 Minute Massage with Jenn Bayer

Jen Bayer